Getting dataset from Kaggle

Installing kaggle stuff

This should be done only once.

Run pip install kaggle in console.

Log into Kaggle Click on a profile in the top-right corner and choose My Account

On the account page find Api section and click Create New API Token. This will launch the download of kaggle.json token file. Put the file into ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json or C:\Users\<Windows-username>\.kaggle\kaggle.json depending on OS.

Note: there are potential troubles of creating C:\Users\<Windows-username>\.kaggle using windows explorer. To create this folder from console, run cmd and launch the following commands: cd C:\Users\<Windows-username>, mkdir .kaggle.

Consult to Kaggle API in case of other troubles.

Downloading TGS Salt competition dataset

Go to TGS Salt Identification competition and Accept the rules on the Rules tab.

Make salt folder somewhere and create data subdirectory. Open console with salt/data folder as current and invoke kaggle competitions download -c tgs-salt-identification-challenge command.

This will download dataset files. Then invoke unzip -d train to unzip files in to train folder.

Adding an experiment

Create experiments folder inside salt folder.

Create exp01 folder inside experiments folder.

Create config.yaml file inside exp01 folder.

Put the following code inside config.yaml:

#%Musket Segmentation 1.0
backbone: resnet34 #let's select classifier backbone for our network 
architecture: Unet #pre-trained model we are going to use
augmentation: #define some minimal augmentations on images
   Fliplr: 0.5
   Flipud: 0.5

classes: 1 #define the number of classes
activation: sigmoid #as we have multilabel classification, the activation for last layer is sigmoid
shape: [224,224, 3] #our desired input image size, everything will be resized to fit
optimizer: Adam #Adam optimizer is a good default choice
batch: 8 #our batch size will be 16
lr: 0.001 
metrics: #we would like to track some metrics
  - binary_accuracy
  - dice
primary_metric: val_dice #the most interesting metric is val_binary_accuracy
primary_metric_mode: max
folds_count: 5
testSplit: 0.2
dumpPredictionsToCSV: true
callbacks: #configure some minimal callbacks
    patience: 10
    monitor: val_dice
    mode: max
    verbose: 1
    patience: 2
    factor: 0.3
    monitor: val_binary_accuracy
    mode: max
    cooldown: 1
    verbose: 1
loss: binary_crossentropy #we use binary_crossentropy loss
  - epochs: 50

   getTrain: []
final_metrics: [ dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one ]   #You may use more then one metric here
experiment_result: dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one     
testTimeAugmentation: Horizontal_and_vertical

You can find the details regarding this code in User guide.

We can greatly speed up the training process by reducing the number of folds from 5 to 1 by replacing folds_count: 5 with folds_count: 1, but this will train the only fold.

Reducing the number of epochs will also speed things up by the cost of the quality: replace - epochs: 50 with - epochs: 20 if you wish so.

Adding dataset

Note the following instruction in our experiment YAML:

   getTrain: []

This instruction expects a python function somewhere on the scope, which is named getTrain and that should return dataset. Lets add it:

Create modules folder inside salt folder.

In modules folder create a file (file name can be really anything).

Put the following code in the file:

from musket_core import image_datasets

def getTrain():
    return image_datasets.BinarySegmentationDataSet(["train/images"],"train.csv","id","rle_mask")

First argument sets the images folder inside data.

Second argument points to the CSV, third - CSV column with image IDs.

The forth one points to CSV column with RLE mask.

Running the experiment

Launch the console and run the following command, taking into account that ..salt should be replaced with the path to the project top-level salt directory. musket fit --project "...salt" --name "exp01" --num_gpus=1 --gpus_per_net=1 --num_workers=1 --cache "...salt\data\cache"

This will launch the training process.

Checking experiment results

When the training process complete, exp01 experiment folder will contain the new summary.yaml file with contents similar to the following:

  binary_accuracy: {max: 0.94829979903931, mean: 0.9432402460543085, min: 0.9348129166258212,
    std: 0.004766299735936636}
  binary_accuracy_holdout: 0.9447703656504265
  dice: {max: 0.8946749116884245, mean: 0.8799628551168702, min: 0.8512279018375117,
    std: 0.015545121737934034}
  dice_holdout: 0.8792530163407674
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one: {max: 0.7921144300184988, mean: 0.7906020228394381,
    min: 0.7885881826799147, std: 0.0012594068050284218}
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_holdout: 0.7918140261625017
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_treshold: {max: 0.5700000000000001,
    mean: 0.5680000000000001, min: 0.56, std: 0.0040000000000000036}
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_treshold_holdout: 0.56
cfgName: config.yaml
completed: true
folds: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- binary_accuracy: {max: 0.94829979903931, mean: 0.9432402460543085, min: 0.9348129166258212,
    std: 0.004766299735936636}
  binary_accuracy_holdout: 0.9447703656504265
  dice: {max: 0.8946749116884245, mean: 0.8799628551168702, min: 0.8512279018375117,
    std: 0.015545121737934034}
  dice_holdout: 0.8792530163407674
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one: {max: 0.7924899348384953, mean: 0.7882949615678969,
    min: 0.7825054457176929, std: 0.003500868603109435}
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_holdout: 0.7918140261625017
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_treshold: {max: 0.6, mean: 0.5680000000000001,
    min: 0.51, std: 0.03310589071449368}
  dice_with_custom_treshold_true_negative_is_one_treshold_holdout: 0.56
subsample: 1.0

Lets take a closer look:

completed: true indicates that the training was completed. Sections of allStages and stages differ when there are more than a single stage, but in our case data inside are the same.

binary_accuracy and dice values indicate metric results on validation. Those values appear in summary due to those metrics were listed in metrics section of config.yaml.

As we have multiple folds and each fold has its own results, all metrics list max, min, mean and std values.

Due to the testSplit instruction in config.yaml we have a holdout, so there is *_holdout values for each metrics indicating metric results on holdout dataset.

As dice metric was referred in primary_metric instruction in config.yaml, there are lots of other values for this metric, their names speak for themselves.

Besides summary.yaml file, which contain the top-level results and may ommitted if something fails in the training process, there are more detailed and precises logs inside metrics subfolder of exp01 folder.

There are files named metrics-X.Y.csv, where X is the fold number, and Y is the stage number.

Lets take a look:


The first column is an epoch number. Then there are all metrics listed on training set, then loss and learning rate, and finally same metrics and loss on validation.

These values allow to see how the training was advancing.