Instance Segmentation Training Pipeline

Instance Segmentation Pipeline was developed in order to enable using the MMDetection framework by means of Musket ML.

This package is not yet completely ready for production use


pip install git+

Note: this package requires python 3.6

This package is not a part of Musket ML framework yet,


Launching experiments script is designed to launch experiment training.

In order to run the experiment or a number of experiments,

A typical command line may look like this:

musket fit --project "path/to/project" --name "experiment_name" --num_gpus=1 --gpus_per_net=1 --num_workers=1 --cache "path/to/cache/folder"

--project points to the root of the project

--name is the name of the project sub-folder containing experiment yaml file.

--num_gpus sets number of GPUs to use during experiment launch.

--gpus_per_net is a maximum number of GPUs to use per single experiment.

--num_workers sets number of workers to use.

--cache points to a cache folder to store the temporary data.

Other parameters can be found in the fit script reference

Launching tasks script is designed to launch experiment training.

Tasks must be defined in the project python scope and marked by an annotation like this:

from musket_core import tasks, model
def measure2(m: model.ConnectedModel):
    return result

In order to run the experiment or a number of experiments,

A typical command line may look like this:

python -m musket_core.task --project "path/to/project" --name "experiment_name" --task "task_name" --num_gpus=1 --gpus_per_net=1 --num_workers=1 --cache "path/to/cache/folder"

--project points to the root of the project

--name is the name of the project sub-folder containing experiment yaml file.

--task is the name of the task function.

--num_gpus sets number of GPUs to use during experiment launch.

--gpus_per_net is a maximum number of GPUs to use per single experiment.

--num_workers sets number of workers to use.

--cache points to a cache folder to store the temporary data.

Other parameters can be found in the task script reference

Launching project analysis script is designed to launch project-scope analysis.

Note that only experiments, which training is already finished will be covered.

musket analize --inputFolder "path/to/project"

--inputFolder points to a folder to search for finished experiments in. Typically, project root.

Other parameters can be found in the analyze script reference

Usage guide

Dataset format

The pipline must be used with datasets which return prediction items of certain structure. Suppose that our prediction item represents a training example with some image and N objects on it.

  • x must contain image data represented by a numpy array of shape (height, width, 3).
  • y must be a tuple (labels, bboxes, masks) where
    • labels is a length N one dimansional numpy array of integers which contains object labels. Note that zero label is reserved for background.
    • bboxes is a float array of shape (N, 4) which contains object bounding boxes. Note that bounding box coordinates order must be [minY, minX, maxY, maxX].
    • masks is an integer or boolean numpy array of shape (N, height, width) which contains object masks. Note that integer mask should contain 1 for object pixels and 0 for background.

Training a model

Let's start from the absolutely minimalistic example. Let's say that you have two folders, one of them contains jpeg images, and another one - png files with segmentation masks for these images. And you need to train a neural network that will do segmentation for you. In this extremely simple setup all that you need is to type following 5 lines of python code:

from musket_core import generic
from get_some_gataset import getDataset

ds = getDataset #some dataset which has the required format
cfg = generic.parse("config.yaml")

Looks simple, but there is a config.yaml file in the code, and probably it is the place where everything actually happens.

#%Musket MMDetection 1.0
classes: 46
shape: [800, 1333]

imagesPerGpu: 1
folds_count: 1
testSplit: 0.1

  - epochs: 3


configPath: '../../data/configs/htc/'
weightsPath: '../../data/checkpoints/Hybrid-Task-Cascade-(HTC)/htc_dconv_c3-c5_mstrain_400_1400_x101_64x4d_fpn_20e_20190408-0e50669c-nohead.pth'

General train properties

The following property is required to set:

configPath path to MMDetection config.

The following ones are optional, but commonly used:

classes sets the number of classes that should be used.

shape set the desired shape of the input picture and mask, in the form heigth, width, number of channels. Input will be resized to fit.

weightsPath path to initial weights of the model.